The Earthscan reader in business and the envi...
Richard Welford
(Rs 580.00)
Pocket advertising
Caroline Marshall
(Rs 400.00)
Culture shock
Robert Heller
(Rs 360.00)
Power of speech
Peter Young
(Rs 425.00)
Brand in China
Yifan Wang
Traders' tales
Ron Insana
(Rs 500.00)
Switzerland exposed
Jean Ziegler
The gnomes of Zurich
T. R. Fehrenbach
(Rs 450.00)
Jim Carlton
Andrew Hacker
Two centuries of overseas trading
Stephanie Jones
(Rs 435.00)
Money, heart and mind
William Bloom
(Rs 475.00)
Trade unions: selected readings
William Edward John McCarthy
The money lenders
Anthony Sampson
Rebel Code
Glyn Moody
(Rs 465.00)
The house of Nomura
Al Alletzhauser
The rise and fall of Freddie Laker
Howard Banks
The e-Bay phenomenon
David Bunnell
John Nathan
Prophets in the dark
David T. Kearns
(Rs 460.00)
The Japanese edge
Marubeni Kabushiki Kaisha
(Rs 380.00)
The sporty game
John Newhouse
The Royal African Company
K. G. Davies
The empty raincoat
Charles B. Handy