Woman : A Unique Tribute
Dorothy Boux
(Rs 750.00)
Sex Slaves
Louise Brown
(Rs 1,400.00)
The Gilded Cage
Josephine Cox
gender and crime in modern europe
Meg Arnot
(Rs 999.00)
Crimes of Outrage
Shani D'Cruze
(Rs 795.00)
Girls of Riyadh
Rajaa Alsanea
(Rs 700.00)
You are Beautiful and How to Prove it.
Shirley Lord
(Rs 690.00)
Women in Britain Since 1900
Sue Bruley
(Rs 995.00)
Every Woman's Battle Workbook
Shannon Ethridge
Burns Mrs Riddell
Angus Macnaghten
(Rs 600.00)
The Warwick Shakespeare
Fear of Fifty
Erica Jong
(Rs 630.00)
At Cose Quarters
Gerald Seymour
(Rs 730.00)
Ascent of Woman
Elisabeth Mann Borgese
(Rs 640.00)
beyond the fragments
Louis Mackay
Victorian Writing and Working Women
Julia Swindells
(Rs 680.00)
Intrigue in the village
Rabecca Show
science and the construction of women
Mary Maynard
(Rs 895.00)
What women want
(Rs 570.00)
Beating Aggression
Diana Lamplugh
(Rs 660.00)
Every Girl's Handbook
Roger Coote
(Rs 670.00)
Mother Love
Martine Oborne
(Rs 580.00)
a history of their own
Bonnie S. Anderson
(Rs 650.00)
The Rights and wrongs of women
Juliet Mitchell
(Rs 620.00)