Pioneering perspectives: meher afroz (printmaker), nahid (feminist painter), sheherzade (potter)

pioneering perspectives: meher afroz (printmaker), nahid (feminist painter), sheherzade (potter)

  • By:Niilofur Farrukh
  • ISBN:N/A
  • Publication Type: -
  • Category: -Collectors Item
  • Condition:Good
  • No Of Pages:96
  • Specification:Hardcover, large/novel size.
  • Release Date:
  • Price:Rs 2,000.00
  • Price
  • Rs2,000.00

    Hardcover, large/novel size.


Niilofur Farrukh: Why Meher Afroz , Nahid, and Sheherzade ? Why women artists? ...... My answer is that to me, these artists are the emblems of the new consciousness in Pakistani Society. Colorful, impressive presentation of their works.

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