Acca exam kit

acca exam kit

  • By:Kaplan publisher
  • ISBN:978-1-78415-824-8
  • Publication Type: Kaplan Publishing
  • Category: Finance & Accounting
  • Condition:Very Good
  • No Of Pages:28
  • Specification:Its 4 paper exam kit books of acca .
  • Release Date:
  • Price:Rs 1,000.00
  • Price
  • Rs1,000.00

    Its 4 paper exam kit books of acca .


Acca exam kit paper F1 ,F2, M1 ,M2 look like new .its a Kaplan publishers book . its 4 exam kit books if want to buy only one so it will 500 each but if buy all it will 1500 for 4 books .

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