Empires of food: feast, famine, and the rise and fall of civilizations

empires of food: feast, famine, and the rise and fall of civilizations

  • By:Evan Fraser
  • ISBN:1439101892
  • Publication Type: Free Press
  • Category: History
  • Condition:Like New
  • No Of Pages:320
  • Specification:
  • Release Date:15th Jun 2010
  • Price:Rs 3,995.00
  • Price
  • Rs3,995.00


Cities, culture, art, government, and religion were founded on the creation and exchange of food surpluses. Complex societies were built by shipping grain up rivers and into the stewpots of history's generations. But evenutally, inevitably, the crops fail, the fields erode, or the temperature drops, and the center of power shifts. Cultures descend into dark ages of poverty, famine, and war. A fascinating, fresh history told through the prism of the dining table, Empires of Food offers a grand scope and a provocative analysis of the world today, indispensable in this time of global warming and food crises.

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