Idols to incubators: reproduction theory

idols to incubators: reproduction theory

  • By:Julia Stonehouse
  • ISBN:N/a
  • Publication Type: -
  • Category: History
  • Condition:Like New
  • No Of Pages:224
  • Specification:Original paperback
  • Release Date:
  • Price:Rs 1,300.00
  • Price
  • Rs1,300.00

    Original paperback


Julia Stonehouse is an expert in the field of the history of embryology, including theories of conception since the ancient Greeks. She has travelled the globe to talk to indigenous peoples with diverse conception theories and studied prehistoric iconography for clues as to where our distant ancestors thought life originated. To the universal question 'where do I come from?' there have been innumerable answers - most of them incorrect. It is little known, for example, that the facts of life only became scientifically established around the turn of the 20th century and that prior to this patriarchy was embedded in the notion that the seed of human life came from men alone.

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