Understanding jewish history (set of 2 volumes)

understanding jewish history (set of 2 volumes)

  • By:Sol Scharfstein
  • ISBN:0881255602
  • Publication Type: Harper Collins
  • Category: History
  • Condition:Brand New
  • No Of Pages:168
  • Specification:Pb. Volume 1. From the Patiarchs to the expulsion from Spain. Volume 2. From the Renaissance to the 21st century
  • Release Date:
  • Price:Rs 2,750.00
  • Price
  • Rs2,750.00

    Pb. Volume 1. From the Patiarchs to the expulsion from Spain. Volume 2. From the Renaissance to the 21st century


The early history of the Jewish people is told through a collection of short essays, beginning with the first Hebrews, Abraham and Sarah, in about 1900 B.C.E., through 1492 when the Jews were expelled from Spain.

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