Islamic jurisprudence

islamic jurisprudence

  • By:Mohsin Arif
  • ISBN:969-486-056-5
  • Publication Type: -
  • Category: Law
  • Condition:Brand New
  • No Of Pages:450
  • Specification:The comprehensive book on Islamic Jurisprudence was written from examination point of view. The students can use book for preparing top level assignments and also for securing top positions in the exams.
  • Release Date:
  • Price:Rs 2,000.00
  • Price
  • Rs2,000.00

    The comprehensive book on Islamic Jurisprudence was written from examination point of view. The students can use book for preparing top level assignments and also for securing top positions in the exams.


Islamic Jurisprudence is developing everyday. The book has been written from examination point of view for both students and learners. Proper references have been provided in the footnotes for further research.

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