The law of trusts

the law of trusts

  • By:James Penner
  • ISBN:9780199678945
  • Publication Type: Oxford University Press
  • Category: Law
  • Condition:Like New
  • No Of Pages:535
  • Specification:The Core Text Series takes the reader straight to the heart of the subject, providing a reliable and invaluable guide for students of law at all levels. Written by leading academics and renowned for their clarity, these concise texts explain the intellectual challenges of each area of the law. The Law of Trusts is an accessible text that skillfully engages with both controversial and complex issues. James Penner provides perceptive analysis and original and thought-provoking commentary to give students an excellent grounding in what is considered to be a difficult subject.
  • Release Date:1st Jan 2014
  • Price:Rs 2,999.00
  • Price
  • Rs2,999.00

    The Core Text Series takes the reader straight to the heart of the subject, providing a reliable and invaluable guide for students of law at all levels. Written by leading academics and renowned for their clarity, these concise texts explain the intellectual challenges of each area of the law. The Law of Trusts is an accessible text that skillfully engages with both controversial and complex issues. James Penner provides perceptive analysis and original and thought-provoking commentary to give students an excellent grounding in what is considered to be a difficult subject.


The Core Text Series takes the reader straight to the heart of the subject, providing a reliable and invaluable guide for students of law at all levels. Written by leading academics and renowned for their clarity, these concise texts explain the intellectual challenges of each area of the law. The Law of Trusts is an accessible text that skillfully engages with both controversial and complex issues. James Penner provides perceptive analysis and original and thought-provoking commentary to give students an excellent grounding in what is considered to be a difficult subject.

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