After dolly

after dolly

  • By:Ian Wilmut
  • ISBN:0316733202
  • Publication Type: Little Brown GBR
  • Category: Textbooks (Social Sciences)
  • Condition:Very Good
  • No Of Pages:335
  • Specification:hb
  • Release Date:1st Feb 2006
  • Price:Rs 500.00
  • Price
  • Rs500.00



This book provides a timely and important discussion of the potential value of cloning and of the ethical choices that this radical new technology has raised, including the issues surrounding the current status of stem-cell research. As leader of the team that produced Dolly, the first animal to be cloned from an adult cell, Ian Wilmut has played a unique role both in the science of cloning and the ensuing international debate about its implications. He has testifed before parliamentary and congressional committees in the UK, France and the US and given many public lectures on the subject, in addtion to participating in numerous panel discussions on the uses of cloning. AFTER DOLLY: THE USES AND MISUSES OF HU8MAN CLONING distils the essence of the current scientific and social policy discussions around these critically important issues and presents them in an understandable manner so the educated reader can have an informed opinion.

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